Is Your Data Worth Data Recovery?

Let’s take a look at the value of data and how much it would cost to replace it for businesses that forget that dollars aren’t the only measurable and important asset in their organizations. Objective Data Critical business facts can be found in objective...

Backup Checks – Is Your Data Actually Safe?

Modern computer users are well aware that, in order to prevent data loss, they must regularly back up their most important files, ideally in multiple physical locations, with perhaps an additional layer of backup at a Cloud based storage provider. However, while many...

Avoid Laptop Data Recovery

It’s a simple fact: that beverage next to your laptop poses a greater threat to your computer than any hacker ever could be to it. Essentially, our own hands have a greater potential for causing damage to our laptop computers than any external force. We expect...

Data Recovery Plans – Does Your Organization Have One?

Like all organizations, your company most likely has a policy in place for how to evacuate the building in the event of a fire or flood. You may even have a plan in place for dealing with other types of emergencies, such as tornadoes or earthquakes. Companies that...

RAID Failure And Database Corruption

When it comes to large RAID systems, database corruption is one of the most common causes of data loss that RAID recovery services like Hard Drive Recovery Group have to deal with. When a database becomes corrupt, it can become either completely unreadable or...