Coronavirus: Not Just for Humans Anymore!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you would know that the news item that’s been on headlines around the world is the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. In China, thousands have been found out to have the virus, hundreds have died, and people who have tested positive for...

Speed Up Your Windows 10 System

By being around for 4 years now since its release, Windows 10 proves that it is unquestionably a proficient operating system from Microsoft. Compared to previous versions though, updates are now mandatory. You can always pause them, but keep in mind that they are...

What Influences Computer Efficiency?

When you get a new computer, be it a desktop computer or a laptop, everything runs at lightning speed. All smooth, all fast. After a few months of usage, you observe that its performance is starting to slow. What could have caused it?   Several factors can cause...

Different Types Of Secondary Storage Devices

If there’s one good thing about the world today, it’s about options and how we get to have quite a few of them. And when it comes to freeing up disk space, there are a few things you can do. Storage space, particularly in your disk (hard drive), is especially...

5 Horrifying Scenarios That Lead To Data Loss

Everyone has experienced data loss. No one is spared from it. You have probably experienced it already. The question is, did you learn from the painful experience of losing valuable data? Maybe you did learn a thing or two but to think that it’s never going to happen...

Affordable AI-Powered Software Can Help Prevent Malware Attacks

Hackers are smart people. They figure out codes for the sheer purpose of infecting our computers. The reason why they do it is because they want to steal critical information from our computers. The Internet is a dangerous place. With just a few lines of code, hackers...