Random Servers For Bitcoin Mining Found

The bitcoin business has reached unprecedented heights last year and has maintained its momentum until today. Everyone wanted to get a piece of these digital currencies that prices have soared to the ludicrously high prices that it still has right now. However,...

Computer Servers Make The World Go Round

When we were younger, we used to think that the world is such a big place. There are so many places to go to and sights to see. Peopleā€™s language is not the same in different parts of the globe and that used to scare us from going out of our comfort zones. Yet that...

BTC Mining Servers Gone Missing

Bitcoin mining is not just a passing trend. It is probably the future. Itā€™s true it has been around for quite some time but only in recent years has its popularity exponentially exploded. Suddenly, a large number of people are interested in alternative currencies or...

Recent Exploits Show Servers At Risk

Technology has truly transformed our lives. A big majority of us are now too obsessed with technology that it practically runs our lives. We are too invested in our gadgets and spend hours on end tinkering with it. While they can save us from boredom at times, they...

Should You Be Worried Of Meltdown And Spectre?

Computers are a crucial part of life now. A big part of society is highly dependent on these machines to do things for us and make things happen 24/7. It is hard to imagine how it is like to go back to our more primitive life a few decades back when computers were...

Computer Servers: Always A Hackerā€™s Target

Technology definitely made our lives so much more vibrant, colorful, and definitely more efficient. We can do so many things all at once now and we donā€™t even have to travel hundreds to thousands of miles to find work overseas when remote staff are hired regardless of...